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“Your Excellency has said many kind things of us,” was the reporter’s first question.” Will not your Excellency also tell us in what respect we have failed to come up to your expectations?”


“ I could not say anything bad about America,” replied the Viceroy,” I have nothing to complain of in the receptions given me. They were all that I could have expected. But there is one thing that surprises and disappoints me. You have too many political parties. I have thought much about your parties. There are so many of them they must bring about confusion. Could not your newspapers try to unite them, for the best interests of the country?”


“What, among the things your Excellency has seen in this country has interested you most?”


“ I am delighted with everything that I have seen in America,” said Li,” Everything has pleased me so much that it ishard to say what has pleased me most. What has surprised me most has been the tall buildings, of twenty and more stories. I have never seen anything like them before, in China or in Europe. They seem so welll constructed that they would resist any wind, perhaps; but we could not put them up in China, because the typhoon would soon blow them down. They would be terribly inconvenient were it not for your fine elevators.”


“Does your Excellency favor the education of the common people of China?”


“Our custom,” replied the Viceroy,” is to send all our boys [children, Dr. Mak put in parentheses, indicating thatboys are the only real children in China,] to public schools. We have good schools all over China, but only those whocan afford it send their boys to them. The poorer classes do not give their boys education. We have not so many schoolsor colleges as you have, but we are going to introduce more schools throughout our country.”



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本文链接: 李鸿章接受《纽约时报》采访实录(双语)


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